Central Bank of Ceylon
S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike - 1971-74
Bradbury Wilkinson Specimens

High Denoination Currency Note issued in 1971 by the Central Bank of Ceylon with the Portrait of Late Prime Minister S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, including for the first time for enhanced Security, printing which was visible only under Ultra-Violet light. Printed by Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ld, New Malden, Surrey, England

Dark Brown 162x86 mm Rs 100 notes
images/1974-08-27_swrdb_50r_sf.jpg images/1974-08-27_swrdb_50r_sb.jpg Blue 151x79 mm Rs 50 notes
Click on 1972 image to see 1974 Rs 50

Large SPECIMEN in center diagonally upwards across on both sides.
No punch hole or specimen control number.

Note that the Rs100 is from before and Rs50 from after the addition of ශ්‍රී to name of country ශ්‍රී ලංකා twice in legality statement, after adoption of Republican Constitution on 1972 May 22. The Rs100 was printed before and after, the Rs50 only after.

The specimen note images at 391+ dpi from online Auctions, are displayed above at 25 dpi.

See other Specimen S-Notes in notes.lakdiva.org.lk a website for
Banknotes of Ceylon and Sri Lanka since 1785.