The Rubber Controller of Ceylon
Coupon Issue Card, 1940-1943

Used to record Ceylon Government Rubber export Restriction Coupons issued by the Rubber Controller of Ceylon under of the Rubber Control Ordinance, to owners of small holding from 1940 and 1943.

                         Rubber Control Department.
                        COUPON ISSUE CARD, 1940-1943
Extract from Notification No. 18 Published in the Govt. Gazette of Dec. 23, 1938.
  2.  (a) Every registered proprietor of an estate or small-holding 
or portion thereof to whom a Coupon Issue Card is delivered 
shall, if the particulars on the Card relate to an estate or small-
holding or portion thereof which is registered in his name, affix
his signature or thumb impression on the Card in the space provi-
ded for the purpose.
      (b) Where any Coupon Issue Card delivered to any person does
not relate to an estate or smallholding or portion thereof which
is registered in his name, such person shall forthwith return the
Card to the Controller.

  3. Where any registered proprietor to whom a Coupon Issue
Card is delivered desires to receive, upons at an issue centre
other than that specified in the Cord, he shall forward the Card
to the Controller together with an application for amendment
of the particulars in the Card and a fee of one rupee, and the
Controller may thereupon make such amendment as may be
necessary and return the Card to that proprietor.

  4. Upon any transfer of the ownership of any estate or small-
holding or part thereof, in respect of which a Coupon Issue Card
has been delivered to tile. person registered as the propietor thereof
before such transfer, such person shall forthwith return the Card to
the Controller together with the (notification in. Form R. C. 14, 
required to be sent to the Controller under Regtilation 2 of the
Regulations made under sections 18 and 61 of the Ordinance and
published in Notification No. 8.

  6. The holder of a Coupon Issue Card may by writing under his
hand authorize the Controller to deliver to any specified person
any coupons which the holder is entitled to receive under the 
Ordinance, and where that person produces the Card to the 
Conntroller together with such written authority, the Coupons
in respect of which that authority is given shall be issued to such 

 7. The Contkoller may in his discretion on application made in 
form R C. 32 by any person to whom a Coupon Issue Card has 
been delive*d under regulation I, issue a copy of the Card to that
person payment on
(a) if the Card relates to an estate, of a fee of Rs. 2.50; or
(b) if the Card relates to an small-holding, of a fee of Re. 1.

Assuming 300 lbs per acre per year and 150 trees per acre, each tree produces about 2 lbs of rubber per year. The issue of coupons for export of 30lbs of rubber in 1941 may roughly indicate a small holding of 15 trees in 0.1 acres.

This Book belonged to Brig. Siri Munasinghe's Grandmother and is from his collection.